Applications MUST be completed and returned EACH YEAR to determine eligibility for additional student and district benefits. Please return these applications as soon as possible to the food service office at 502 Minnesota Ave N.W. or complete the form online via Family Access. Benefits of the program cannot be given to the students until applications have been reviewed for eligibility.

IMPORTANT: Schools receive funding for educational programs based directly on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced price meals. These funds are used to provide additional educational support and opportunities for students in every school.

Application for Educational Benefits 2024-2025 (print and return)


How to Fill out an Online Application (via Family Access)

The following form is required in order for us to share your application information to other internal departments. Without this form, you may have to manually submit paperwork to various departments if you quality.

Waiver of Confidentiality 2024-2025