Dr. Katie Peterson is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Bemidji State University, who has teamed up with all three 8th grade pod science classrooms for an exciting science experience for the 2019-20 school year. During her year on sabbatical she will team with the 8th grade BMS science teachers to bring six outreach activities that will occur in and outside of the science classrooms. The activities are designed to support the curriculum and fulfill academic standards. Dr. Peterson is designing fun activities that inspire young people to study science, and she wants to learn more about what makes students like science and want to pursue scientific careers. The first activity of the year was a water phosphate lab. The students served as citizen scientists as they investigated the phosphate levels of local water, including their drinking water. The students were able to try new science tools and instruments and practice the role of an actual scientist. This activity was performed in conjunction with the Soil and Water Conservation staff who helped students understand water health and look at phosphate runoff. Students used their newly learned techniques in a lab on how to clean up water runoff.