Our mission is to empower each learner to succeed in our diverse and changing world by delivering a broad array of services, which improve the total education of students with special needs.
We envision people residing, working, learning and playing together in a community where the quality of life is enriched, and individual differences of all members of society are valued. Our district is working toward becoming an inclusive community where all persons, including those with disabilities, will reside, grow, and benefit by interacting with each other at home, at school and in the community.
Bemidji Area Schools; District 31
Total Special Education System (TSES)
This document serves as the Total Special Education System Plan for Bemidji Area Schools in accordance with Minnesota Rule 3525.1100. This plan also includes an assurance for compliance with the federal requirements pertaining to districts’ special education responsibilities found in United States Code, title 20, chapter 33, and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 300. This document is a companion to the Application for Special Education Funds – Statement of Assurances (ED0135029).
Alexis Wilde, Bemidji Area Schools’ Special Education Director, is responsible for program development, coordination, and evaluation; in-service training; and general special education supervision and administration. The Special Education Director may be reached at 218-333-3100.
Apendix A- SLD Criteria Checklist
Appendix B- District Plan for Receiving Referrals
Appendix C- District Procedural Safeguards Notice Part B
Appendix D- District Procedural Safeguards Notice Part C
Appendix E- CTIC’s Operating Procedures
Appendix F- IEIC Operating Procedures
Appendix G – Plan for the Allocation and Expenditure of Additional State and Federal Early Intervention Funds
Appendix H- Authorization for Release of Information
Appendix I- SEAC Operating Procedures
Appendix J- Restrictive Procedures Plan
Parent Connection as Sanford Health
Meet with other parents of kids with special health needs to discuss your daily life.
When you are a parent of a child with special health needs, you may start feeling alone and overwhelmed. Parent Connection brings parents with similar experiences together to talk, learn, grow and form a community with one another. This is your time to discuss whatever cares and concerns are on your mind. Free childcare will be provided.
Emily Aaker has been doing a lot of great things to facilitate collaboration between parents and supports available in our community. She is hosting a Parent Connection group.has been with Sanford for about a year now. She is working in a position titled Pediatric RN Health Coach. This group meets monthly. The meetings are the last Thursday of every month from 5:00-6:30 at the 1611 Anne St. NW in the Pediatric Clinic’s conference room. There is free child care available provided by volunteer nurses.
This month they will host a counselor from Stellher Counseling Services who will speak about how to cope emotionally with having children with special health needs and discussing how it can also affect marriages. Emily really wants to GET THE WORD OUT! So please share this with families, friends, and anybody who could benefit!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Emily. Her contact information is: Emily Aaker RN, BSN, Pediatric RN Health Coach, Work (218) 333- 2742, email: emily.aaker@sanfordhealth.org .
Parent Connection – Sanford Health
Local Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
The local SEAC functions in an advisory capacity for the provision of special education service in Bemidji Area Schools. Their mission is to advocate for the development and continuous improvement of quality special education services to students, ages birth to 21, in the Bemidji Area Schools.
The committee meets two times during the school year. Questions or comments can be directed to any of the SEAC members. If you are interested in joining SEAC, please contact Alexis Wilde, Special Education Director.
Parents and Teachers Wanted!! ISD 31 is looking for parents and teachers who are interested in being on the Special Education Advisory Council. A description of the council is under the SEAC heading on this page. If you are interested, please contact Alexis Wilde, Special Education Director at 218-333-3100 x 31104.
Special Education Contacts
Alexis Wilde
Special Education Director
218-333-3100 (ext. 31104)
Tiffany Palmer
Special Education Coordinator
218-333-3299 (ext. 36167)
Susan Flicek
Due Process Facilitator
218-333-3115 (ext. 37203)
Minnesota Department of Education – Special Education
The information in this section of the MDE website guides parents and educators through the special education process. Here you will find resources and programs for helping students who may not be able to do some things children of the same age can do, including information on IEPs and other tools, bullying, parental rights, resolving disagreements between parents and educators, program monitoring and supports for both special and general education students.