Bemidji Area Schools is embarking on creating a strategic plan to chart our direction over the course of the next few years. A strategic plan is a vision of what we want the future of Bemidji Area Schools to look like with action steps to carry out this vision. To accomplish this, the school board is seeking input from school district residents and staff to help in identifying the school district’s strengths and areas for improvement.
We are gathering feedback in two ways.
Option 1: Please fill out this survey from your perspective as a parent/community member. These survey responses are anonymous and only a summary of the results will be shared with the district.
Option 2: We are inviting you to a listening session. We are holding two listening sessions to for your convenience:
May 22-5:30pm Bemidji High School Auditorium
May 23-6:00pm Bemidji High School Auditorium
Please ensure that your voice is heard! Thank you in advance for your help in this important process!