Bemidji Area Schools
Safe Learning Plan
REVISED: 9/23/2022
The following information is a summary of how Bemidji Area School District plans a safe return to in-person learning for the 2022-2023 school year. The goal of Bemidji Area Schools is to continue in-person instruction.
Plan Goals
1. Safety of students and staff
2. Prioritize in-person learning
3. Recover from learning loss due to the pandemic
Timely and clear communication to students and families will be a strategic goal for the 2022-2023 school year. Messaging to families will be relayed using various media channels according to the district Communications Plan. For district-wide announcements, we will utilize our mass messaging system, Skylert, as well as email and snail mail. In addition, the district will communicate by using district and school websites, mass media, and social media platforms as necessary. Individual schools will also use familiar platforms and apps to communicate with parents as well as text messages and voice phone calls. Therefore, it is important that school offices have current and active phone numbers for each family at all times. We ask that all parents/guardians provide their children’s schools with current phone numbers for emergency contact purposes.
Review and Revision
The district’s Safe Learning Plan will be reviewed and revised as necessary when changes to CDC and Public Health guidance occur.
State Officials Recommend CDC School COVID-19 Guidance
Prevention Strategies: All staff, students, and visitors within Independent School District No. 31 buildings, regardless of vaccination status, are recommended to follow the strategies of handwashing and respiratory etiquette, cleaning and disinfection, and staying home when sick.
Learning Options
- Face-to-face learning for the 2022-23 school year.
- The educational focus will be on educational recovery.
Reporting Symptoms and Exposure
Following are protocols for assessing individual health situations:
- Symptoms of COVID-19 include the following (a checklist is enclosed from the Minnesota Department of Health):
- Fever of 100.4 or greater, or chills
- A cough
- Shortness of breath
- Abnormal fatigue
- A muscle or body ache
- A headache
- A new loss of taste or smell
- A sore throat
- Diarrhea
- Other resources will be provided as they become available through local health resources and MDH.
- Schools are open for business and we welcome parents and visitors.
Bus Transportation
- Bus Transportation-no restrictions.
Food Service
- Food Service-no restrictions.
The School Day
- Bemidji Area Schools only require the isolation of covid positive individuals according to the latest CDC requirements.
Appropriate Accommodations
Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies have been provided. To learn more, parents/guardians should contact his/her child’s case manager.
Vaccination information provided by the Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health and local public health will be communicated to families.
- Cleaning has returned to pre pandemic levels.
Facility Alterations
Physical changes will be made to facilities to provide safety mitigation.
- In-Door Air Quality – Ventilation systems are being properly used and maintained.
Student Support and Engagement
- Community Partnership: ISD 31 will work with all available local, county and state resources to provide a wide range of services to our students and families.
- Specialized Services: Bemidji Area Schools will focus on ensuring the needs of all students are met.
- Referral to services
- Providing support when and where it has been identified as a need
- Evaluating outcomes
- Crisis Prevention and Response: ISD 31 staff will provide a wide net of resources to help with a variety of student, family and community needs.
- COMMUNICATION: Ongoing communication from the school to staff and families will remain a high priority.
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