In the Bemidji Area Schools, the Response to Intervention (RtI) framework guides the screening and diagnostic assessment processes. All students in Grades K through 8 are assessed in reading and math three times yearly using the MAP Growth Assessment. Students who do not meet the target benchmarks on these assessments may be given diagnostic assessments to uncover specific student intervention needs. During the intervention process, teachers administer progress monitoring assessments to determine how interventions are working. Parents are informed of test results at all steps of the instructional assessment process. For information about the Response to Intervention framework, please review the RTI Parent Guide or the RtI School Staff Guide.
How do we identify students who may be at risk for reading failure?
How do we determine which students receive reading interventions and what kind of intervention they get?
What if a Standard Protocol Intervention does not work?
How do we determine if an intervention is working?
How can parents help their children at home?
How do we communicate with parents regarding their children’s assessments and interventions?