MAP – Measures of Academic Progress
MAP tests are administered to students in grades 2-8 two to three times a year in the Bemidji District in the subject areas of mathematics, reading, and language. The MAP results provide teachers and parents with valuable information about how students are performing in the required Minnesota Academic Standards. Students take MAP tests at individual computers and receive results immediately and within a week, teachers and parents receive detailed information. Teachers use the MAP results to target their instruction and help all students achieve proficiency.
- District Fall 2015 MAP Analysis
- Spring 2014 Math and Reading MAP Summary
- Spring 2014 MAP Analysis
- District Fall 2014 MAP Analysis
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments 2013 Test Results
The MCAs are tests that help schools and districts measure their students’ progress toward achieving the Minnesota Academic Standards.
- 2014 Bemidji and State MCA Results
- 2006-14 MCA School Summary Scores
- 2014 Bemidji MCA SubGroup Proficiency Report
Multiple Measurement System 2013 Results