Bemidji School District Medication Policy
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, the school district requires the following:
1. Parents must bring the medication to the health office in person. (Exception: Students who need to carry Epi-pens or inhalers with them at all times. Special accommodations will be made in these situations. See #6 below.)
2. A written order from a licensed prescriber which includes the following:
a. student name
b. name and dosage of medication
c. time to be given
d. diagnosis (optional)
e. possible side effects (optional)
f. how long medication needs to be given
3. Written consent of parent/guardian requesting school personnel to give the medication as ordered by the licensed prescriber.
4. All medication must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled container. School personnel may refuse to give medication sent to school in odd bottles, plastic baggies, envelopes, foil, etc.
5. Over-the-counter/non-prescription medications may only be given with written consent of parent/guardian and must be provided in an original container.
6. Students who will be self-medicating should provide the health office with a prescription or note from the licensed prescriber and and a signed medication form stating student will self medicate. The form needs to be signed by the parent/guardian and the Licensed School Nurse.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to provide safe medication administration for your child. Please direct questions to the health para in your child’s school or to the District School Nurse at 333-3100 ext. 209.
Click here to download the doctor’s order and parent permission form.